Best software that can help small businesses to grow
  • By: Admin
  • Oct 07, 2021

In the current world, technology has evolved and shaped our workplaces in many ways such as the Internet of things, e-mail for communication, spreadsheets, presentations, electronic databases for record keeping, robotics and artificial intelligence for automation. Within the last 3 decades, technology has been recognized as the most life changing and successful invention solving problems in human life. Therefore, it is difficult to survive a business without adopting technology in this modern world. 

As a small business owner, there are various software that can help your business run more smoothly. Do you want to improve daily operations? Schedule your work in order? Manage company operational cost? Here is literally some small business software that can do this.  

1 Google Workspace 

Google workspace as known as G Suite is a collection of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools that marketed by Google. Google workspace consists of Gmail, Contacts, Calendar, Meet, Chat, Google Docs, Google Spreadsheets, Google Presentations and Google Drawings. Google workspace also lets you port files among PCs, tablets and smartphones. The standard package comes with 30GB of online storage per user with options to upgrade to unlimited. 

2 SurveyMonkey 

Survey Monkey is an experience management company that offers cloud-based software to support service solutions that enables a person to develop a survey for use over the internet. SurveryMonkey service solutions include HostedSurvey, CreateSurvey, SurveyMethods and LimeSurvey. Survey creation is collaborative, results and reports can be viewed by different team members without sharing login information. 

3 Keyway Enterprise Asset Management Software (EAM) 

Keyway EAM is a combination of systems, software but it is slightly different from computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS). It is also a proven and effective process that can help manage and optimize all the critical assets and equipment of the company. EAM helps company to track their company assets or machinery and increase operational efficiency. EAM can also provide support for more detailed tasks such as maintenance scheduling and warranty management. It also can help to standardise activity and make better connections between the organisational strategy. 


4 Skype 

Skype is a trusted telecommunications application that specializes in providing videoconferencing and voice calls. Skype is available on various desktop, mobile device and video game console platforms. Skype also allows you to chat with team members from any location and any time when you needed.  

5 LinkedIn 

LinkedIn is a business and employment-oriented online service that operates via websites and mobile apps. LinkedIn allows you to send updates on the go, recruit new hires, add new connections, follow inspirational people and companies. LinkedIn is also well-suited for personal branding and to build exposure for your business site as well. LinkedIn can be downloaded through Google Play store or Apple store. 


In conclusion, there is no doubt that the best small business apps help boost productivity for you and your employees. It definitely makes your life as a small business owner more efficient and easier. We had listed our favourite small business apps above and know when you using these apps your workday will be better for it! Wanted to know more on Keyway EAM apps, you may contact us here.