Should I Get A Domain Email Address?
  • By: Admin
  • Mar 10, 2020

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What is a domain email address?


It is an email address that has the name of your business in it. For example: [email protected]. If so, do I really need a domain email address?

Short answer - Definitely, yes. Other than a professional website for your business, consider getting a custom email address too.


Here’s 6 reasons why.


Establish Professionalism

The email address you are using greatly impacts your business. It would not be wise for you and your employees to use your personal email for daily business operation. For example, if your customer support staff is currently using her own personal email to deal with customer inquiries, her email address – [email protected] might not be suitable and does not project professionalism.


Build Up Your Business Credibility

From the point of consumers, your customers expect your email address to match your business. Let’s say you are planning to buy a new house and you need to send some documents to the property agent - Adam. But you found out that instead of business email such as [email protected], he is using [email protected] for communication. I’m sure some questions would definitely pop up in your mind. For example, is this business trustable? Are they reliable? Will they run off with my money?

This kind of questions create doubts and discourage sales conversion. What’s worst, it leaves bad first impression and as we all know, first impression is very important in customer retention. A business email address that contains your business name gives off the perception that your business is genuine and operating well.


Stand Out from Competition

Referring to my first point, if you are using an email address with your business domain, customer will most likely choose to order from you instead of your less savvy competitors who are still using Google, Yahoo or Hotmail email service. Just imagine, which hotel would you likely to trust and thus, make reservation for a one night stay, [email protected] or [email protected]? My answer is definitely Spring Hotel which seems to be more professional and less sketchy.


Encourage People to Read Your Email

Are you using your business email for marketing? For example, you are having 20% discount promotion for your products on this coming weekend and you are planning to inform all your existing customers about this deal by sending email to them. If you are sending the marketing emails from a free email domain (such as Yahoo, Google, Hotmail etc.), these emails might be flagged as junk or spam. Your time and efforts have thus been poured down the drain. Not only that, you will also miss out on potential sales.

On the other hand, if your prospects see that the email contains a business domain, they will immediately know that the mail is authentic and as a result, will be more confident in opening and reading your email. In this way, your email marketing efforts will not be fruitless and the results might even be projected on your future sales growth.


Free Marketing for Your Business

By putting your company name on your email address, you are raising brand awareness for your company every time you send out an email. That being said, in order to be more noticeable, it is better to go for email address such as [email protected] which your company name – KK Pet Store is included in your email address instead of [email protected] which provides no extra information on your business.


Convenient for Expansion

Let’s say one day your business has expanded, and you might need more email address for your staffs at different departments. By having your own business email domain, you can create as many email addresses as you like. For instance, [email protected] for your customer service colleague and [email protected] for your salespersons. These email addresses not only gives off the impression of professionalism, it will also help your clients to identify who is the correct person to reach for.


Email domain is generally affordable, considering all the positive impacts it can offer to your business. If you are keen on bringing your business to a whole new level, consider getting a custom email address for your business. Contact us anytime, we’ll gladly help you on this mission.


Keyway Technologies Sdn Bhd is a web design and digital marketing solution provider based in Penang, Malaysia.
Apart from website development, we also provide help desk software like LiveAgent,  lead management software such as noCRM, email marketing software and more.